Green Corps


The mission of Green Corps is to train organizers, provide field support for today’s critical environmental campaigns, and graduate activists who possess the skills, temperament, and commitment to organize and win tomorrow’s environmental battles.


  1. Green Corps has been the nation’s most respected training program for environmental organizers for over 30 years.
  2. We’re Green Corps (not equality corps, not health care corps, or some other corps) because the environment is the most important challenge facing our world today. We are laser-focused on the environment.
  3. In Green Corps, you work on the most pressing environmental issues of the day – from saving our last wild places, to protecting our oceans, to reducing climate change pollution.
  4. We’re organizers. We understand the power of public support to transform good ideas for solutions to environmental problems into reality. That’s why we’re not here to train you to be an environmental lawyer, scientist or engineer. We’re here to train you to organize and mobilize the kind of support the environment desperately needs.
  5. We want to make the biggest positive impact we can for the planet. We work hard to create opportunities for you to learn the fundamental skills needed to run effective grassroots campaigns.
  6. But it’s up to you to rise to the challenge. To make an impact, you need training. We provide top-notch, unparalleled training in the skills of organizing and advocacy to help you launch a lifetime career of impact.
  7. Many people would pay for this kind of training. Because we’ve worked hard to fund the program, we’re able to offer you pay and benefits while you learn and gain experience.
  8. We challenge you. In Green Corps, we give you a ton of responsibility, the kind that pushes you outside of your comfort zone. That’s what it takes to learn the craft of organizing.
  9. Green Corps packs a ton of experience into one short year. You learn organizing basics, including best practices that have stood the test of time. You also learn how to organize different constituencies in different contexts, including on a college campus, in a community and/or by running a campaign office.
  10. This is important work and it’s hard work. It’s also rewarding and fun. In Green Corps, you meet amazing people among your classmates, your trainers and directors, and your campaign volunteers.

The Green Corps year is just the beginning. At the end of the year, you graduate and begin your career. Green Corps will help you find your place in the movement, making an impact on the most pressing environmental issues of today and tomorrow.


Green Corps is part of The Public Interest Network, which operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a strategic approach to social change.

Throughout The Public Interest Network, we believe that a clear vision, commonsense ideas, a fact-driven case for action, and the power of bringing people together are the necessary ingredients to any successful effort to solve society’s problems.